Thursday, 12 September 2013

Paul is waiting for you to join imo

Hey Paul Brown,
Paul Brown recently invited you to join imo. Join imo now to chat on popular IM networks, make free calls and discover interesting people and information.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Paul is waiting for you to join imo

Hey Paul Brown,
Paul Brown recently invited you to join imo. Join imo now to chat on popular IM networks, make free calls and discover interesting people and information.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Chat with me on imo!

Hey Paul Brown,
Paul Brown wants to chat with you on imo. Download the free app now to chat, make calls and discover interesting people and content.

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Beetles Galore

I now have 20 fully grown beetles, and tomorrow i will be checking on my second batch of super worms to see if they have all pupated sucessfully. This will give me another 20 or so beetles...

Hopefully some mating will be goin on... and some eggs will be being laid...

more soon...............

Monday, 4 July 2011

July 4th Update

I currently have 4 Fully Grown Beetles and 16 Pupae getting ready to emerge soon, and have added another 16 worms which should have pupated by the 10th of July.. I have come across a method which has proved far more successful in getting the worms to pupate, my first ten i did i only got a 4 to pupate and emerge successfully.

Using my new method i got all 16 worms to pupate within 12 days of separation, ive just put in another batch and will see how this goes too, before i mention how i did this.

Tune in again soon for another update.

ps. ive started to breed mealworms too, which seams a lot easier and quicker...

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

2nd Pupae Discovered

Today I checked the cupboard again and found that a 2nd morio worm had pupated.

They look very motionless at this stage, but to check everything is ok, if you just hold them by the tail they will wriggle, so you know they are alive :)

Ive added another couple of morio worms to help grow the colony.

Monday, 30 May 2011

Day 16 - First Pupae Discovered

This morning i checked on my 6 Super Morio Worms in my airing cupboard and discovered that one of them had fully pupated:-

5p coin added for size reference

The first thing that strikes you is the size of the pupae, if you are used to seeing meal worm pupae, you`ll not believe the shear size of these morio worm pupae. The other 5 are curled up still and are still alive but they are not ready to make the change just yet.

Ive removed this pupae and placed it into a larger tub, ive come across 3 more tubs in my house that i can use, so this afternoon i have added another 3 morio worms to bring my colony upto 9 for now..

Next update coming soon...